Stellex mini-Yig control board

Mega 8 controlboard

Finally got around to make a PCB to control the Stellex synthesizers. I got a bit frustrated trying to use KiCAD, placing aribtrary vias is something KiCAD could improve as well as arcs in copper layers. I was going to use eagle, but found that worked fine, at least for something this simple.

I am not very found of ”cloud” solutions, but being able to do routing wherever you are is appealing…

The boards are not anything special, just a AVR mega 8 and two voltage regulators. I included points to connect to most unused pins, perhaps I will use this for some more generic tasks as well.

Hopefully I will get the boards today, they are on the way from dirtypcbs with DHL. Shipping is more expensive than the pcbs, but I didn’t want to wait for the HK post shipping…

This is just to get started, future plans include stabilization of the internal 10Mhz reference oscillator with GPS and/or an OCXO.

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