Stellex mini YIG success!

Finally! After tracking down the final bug I got the Stellex Endwave synthesizer to phaselock.

Next step is to maybe build a bit more standalone solution, currently an ATMEGA8 residing on my STK500 controls the LMX2336 on the synthesizer. I have written a real nice piece of code to control the LMX23*6 family of PLL’s before, but I couldn’t find the source so I borrowed John Miles, KE5FX, code and modified it a bit.

Without his site I would never have been able to get it up and running!

Pictures will follow then I get some more work done.

End goal is a LO for my 10GHz transverter (and perhaps for 24G in the not too distant future…)

Before that I will replace the on-board TCXO with external OCXO.


Accessing AVR Dragon as user

If you want to use your dragon without having to use sudo to run avrdude, create a file under ’etc/udev/rules.d’. Call it for example 99-avrdragon.rules

You only need a single line in the file:

SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ENV{DEVTYPE}==”usb_device”, ATTR{idVendor}==”03eb”, ATTR{idProduct}==”2107″, MODE=”0666″

After that plug in you dragon and try it out!

You could probably be more creative and assign it to some group(perhaps dragonusers…), but this works for me in ubuntu 14.04